There is only a brief window of time between the passing and the funeral service to write and deliver a eulogy.
Guests attending funerals in Brisbane, as with funerals everywhere, will be expecting to reflect on the life of the soul who recently departed. Eulogies are always listened to in reverence.
Regardless of whether the occasion is an intimate one or a well-attended Brisbane funeral, composing and delivering a eulogy while you’re feeling grief and sorrow is never an easy thing to do.
Often, the closer your relationship to the deceased, the more likely you could be called on to deliver the eulogy.
Delivering your eulogy to the life of a loved one is a delicate balance of sentiments. It will inevitably be touching but, for the sake of the attendees, not too mournful.
At Newhaven Funerals, we hope the following advice will be of assistance in helping you compose and deliver an appropriate eulogy for your loved one.
Brief & Simple
Your eulogy does not need to be lengthy to be meaningful. Less is sometimes more.
Your funeral director will be able to tell you how long the Brisbane funeral service is going to be. Here at Newhaven Funerals, we would have a schedule of the memorial’s proceedings we oversee. This schedule will give you a good idea about how much time you have.
If you keep it to less than 5 minutes for your eulogy, you’ll stay on track and avoid rambling. Ideally, you want the attendees focused, not restless or awkward from sitting through either information they can’t relate to, or a recitation of the commonplace details.
The Positives
Rather than delivering “dry facts,” make it more personal. Think about something you admired about them or share a story that focuses on specific qualities about your loved one.
It can be a story that involved you or something special you witnessed that opened your eyes. You could also elaborate to show how the qualities you saw on this occasion impacted your life.
This will enable you to write a brief yet meaningful eulogy.
Write It Down
Find a quiet place where you can organise your thoughts and feelings. Then write down your impressions. In this quiet private space, you can practice your eulogy and make any changes you feel are needed.
It is not necessary to deliver your eulogy from memory. Even professional speechmakers take speech notes for their reference.
It’s a good idea to write an outline of your eulogy on index cards and keep it in your pocket for inconspicuous reference.
On the day of the service, take a handkerchief or tissues with you, as well as a bottle of water, in case you get a little emotional or your throat becomes parched.
To arrange a service that truly highlights the life of the departed, please contact us at Newhaven Funerals. Call 1300 378 396.
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